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Park Slope Jewish Center
Your home for liberal, egalitarian Conservative Judaism ~A diverse, passionate, caring community

We are a multifaceted, thriving congregation in the heart of Brownstone Brooklyn under the leadership of Rabbi Carie Carter. We warmly encourage families and individuals of all ages, gender identities, races, abilities, cultural backgrounds, and interfaith couples to join us in finding opportunities to embrace Jewish life through multiple avenues, including spiritual, ritual, learning, life cycle milestones, social events, and social justice work.


Friday, May 3 | 6:30PM

at PSJC (and on Zoom)

Lev Tahor: How A Seeker Found Judaism

Plan to join Lev Tahor this Friday May 3rd at 6:30pm, when Dr Peter Savastano, a scholar of religion and sexuaity at Seton Hall University, will discuss his path to Judaism, which was informed by African-based Haitian traditions, Cuban Santeria and Eastern and Western religious traditions. Lev Tahor is PSJC's all-sung, lay-led Kabbalat Shabbat service, followed by a vegetarian/dairy pot-luck and informal program. Bring something tasty to share -- all voices warmly welcome!!




Sunday, evening, May 5th at 7pm

at Brooklyn Heights Synagogue

Shabbat Shoah

Saturday, May 4 | 10:00 AM

at PSJC and on Zoom

For Shabbat Shoah, a day of remembering those who died and those who survived the Shoah. This year, Miriam Tyrk z"l's family will share her poignant Holocaust survivor stories. It's a profound way to honor their legacy and ensure the lessons of history are never forgotten.

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